Little Bundle of Self-Love
Save $23.99 when you buy the full Self-Love experience - SALE ENDS FEBRUARY 14TH, 2025! If you’re looking to give the gift of Self-Love to someone who really needs it (including yourself), this bundle will not disappoint. Your bundle comes with the Little Book of Self-Love, the Little Journal of Self-Love, and the Little Box of Self-Love, specially priced just for you.
Save $23.99 when you buy the full Self-Love experience - SALE ENDS FEBRUARY 14TH, 2025! If you’re looking to give the gift of Self-Love to someone who really needs it (including yourself), this bundle will not disappoint. Your bundle comes with the Little Book of Self-Love, the Little Journal of Self-Love, and the Little Box of Self-Love, specially priced just for you.
Save $23.99 when you buy the full Self-Love experience - SALE ENDS FEBRUARY 14TH, 2025! If you’re looking to give the gift of Self-Love to someone who really needs it (including yourself), this bundle will not disappoint. Your bundle comes with the Little Book of Self-Love, the Little Journal of Self-Love, and the Little Box of Self-Love, specially priced just for you.
The Little Book of Self-Love
The Little Journal of Self-Love
The Little Box of Self-Love
All items have been energetically cleared and charged with Reiki healing energy
Amethyst Crystal (associated with the Crown Chakra. Promotes calm, peace, and connection to higher self. Balances moods)
Rose Quartz Crystal (promotes self-love, inner healing, and dissolves worries and fears blocking the Heart Chakra. Purifies and opens the Heart Chakra)
Smokey Quartz Crystal (promotes grounding and release from difficult transitions, calms emotions, and relieves stress and sadness blocking the Root Chakra)
Selenite Wand Crystal (transmutes negative energy, raises your vibration, provides clarity, clears blocked energy, cleanses physical spaces and energy)
Palo Santo Smudge Stick (clears physical spaces and energetic body of negative or blocked energy, or any energy that no longer serves you)
Moonwater (distilled water lightly scented with the healing properties of Bergamot essential oil - known to promote self-love and healing - charged with the energy of the full moon. Enhances intuition and intentions, and empowers manifestations)
Bath Salts (a blend of Epsom and Pink Himalayan salts, and Bergamot essential oil. Promotes cleansing, calm, and healing)
Love Notes (Self-love affirmations from the personal writing vault of Elizabeth Craig. Promotes self-love, healing, and deep inner self connection)
Beautifully-designed Informational e-Guide (a link is provided to download a PDF guide filled with descriptions of every item included, their individual healing properties, how to care for them, and how to charge them to serve your best and highest good)