Little Bundle of Self-Love

Sale Price:$79.99 Original Price:$89.99

Save $23.99 when you buy the full Self-Love experience - SALE ENDS FEBRUARY 14TH, 2025! If you’re looking to give the gift of Self-Love to someone who really needs it (including yourself), this bundle will not disappoint. Your bundle comes with the Little Book of Self-Love, the Little Journal of Self-Love, and the Little Box of Self-Love, specially priced just for you.

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Save $23.99 when you buy the full Self-Love experience - SALE ENDS FEBRUARY 14TH, 2025! If you’re looking to give the gift of Self-Love to someone who really needs it (including yourself), this bundle will not disappoint. Your bundle comes with the Little Book of Self-Love, the Little Journal of Self-Love, and the Little Box of Self-Love, specially priced just for you.

Save $23.99 when you buy the full Self-Love experience - SALE ENDS FEBRUARY 14TH, 2025! If you’re looking to give the gift of Self-Love to someone who really needs it (including yourself), this bundle will not disappoint. Your bundle comes with the Little Book of Self-Love, the Little Journal of Self-Love, and the Little Box of Self-Love, specially priced just for you.


  • The Little Book of Self-Love

  • The Little Journal of Self-Love

  • The Little Box of Self-Love

    • All items have been energetically cleared and charged with Reiki healing energy

    • Amethyst Crystal (associated with the Crown Chakra. Promotes calm, peace, and connection to higher self. Balances moods)

    • Rose Quartz Crystal (promotes self-love, inner healing, and dissolves worries and fears blocking the Heart Chakra. Purifies and opens the Heart Chakra)

    • Smokey Quartz Crystal (promotes grounding and release from difficult transitions, calms emotions, and relieves stress and sadness blocking the Root Chakra)

    • Selenite Wand Crystal (transmutes negative energy, raises your vibration, provides clarity, clears blocked energy, cleanses physical spaces and energy)

    • Palo Santo Smudge Stick (clears physical spaces and energetic body of negative or blocked energy, or any energy that no longer serves you)

    • Moonwater (distilled water lightly scented with the healing properties of Bergamot essential oil - known to promote self-love and healing - charged with the energy of the full moon. Enhances intuition and intentions, and empowers manifestations)

    • Bath Salts (a blend of Epsom and Pink Himalayan salts, and Bergamot essential oil. Promotes cleansing, calm, and healing)

    • Love Notes (Self-love affirmations from the personal writing vault of Elizabeth Craig. Promotes self-love, healing, and deep inner self connection)

    • Beautifully-designed Informational e-Guide (a link is provided to download a PDF guide filled with descriptions of every item included, their individual healing properties, how to care for them, and how to charge them to serve your best and highest good)