Date Night for One

You may have heard me mention this before, but I think dating yourself is one of the funnest, most important things you can do for your own self-care and efforts towards self-love. Does this sound strange to you? If it does I’m going to tell you to explore deeper because when we have an instant “no way” reaction to something, there’s meat there for you. You just have to dig in a bit.

I started taking myself out on all kinds of dates years ago and I want to tell you it’s the best thing ever. Like…EVER. For one, I only have to please myself. I don’t have to take anyone else into consideration and I don’t have to impress anyone but me. Think about all the bad dates you’ve been on. What if you could make sure that at the very least you could enjoy just as many, if not more, absolutely fantabulous dates to make up for all the bad ones? 

I’m not sure if you know this but I’m funny, a great conversationalist, love trying new foods, new adventures, and am very spontaneous…i.e…I make a GREAT date. Why would I only save that for others? Psht. I deserve the best of me just like everyone else does.

I have taken myself out to the movies and bought a huge bucket of popcorn just for me. I have put on a gorgeous outfit and dined in luxury restaurants all by myself. I have splurged on hotel rooms and Airbnb’s for a few nights just to lounge, write, read…and do whatever I want. I have gone on walks in neighborhoods I never knew existed. I’ve strolled streets and meandered in and out of shops I never get to go into. I walk in the woods and ponder life’s trivialities. Sometimes, my date for one is staying in my pj’s all day while watching movies from morning until night and only eating takeout. 

Have I mentioned what a great date I am?

So, here is your homework: write a list of activities you would LOVE to do if you had more time or didn’t feel so guilty about doing them alone. Then, start small and take one day a month and treat yourself to that time alone. Eventually, increase the time you get to spend taking care of yourself. I promise—it’s addictive.

Never underestimate how much time you need with you. Getting to know yourself a little better is never a bad thing.


Self-Love is an Inside Job


What is Your Definition of ‘Self-Care’?