Why is Everyone Suddenly Interested in Spirituality?

Have you noticed that lately, folks are becoming more and more curious about spirituality? It’s been interesting to watch as topics such as Reiki, crystals, manifestation, and even meditation went from instantly instigating a collective eye roll to now being on the lips of just about everyone I run into. So, why now? Why does it seem like these topics are so popular right now and what does it all mean?

For starters, this isn’t a random phenomenon. Right now, and for the last few years, there has been a call for spiritual up-leveling in humans. Our universe, and every being in it, is ready to begin shifting the collective perspective on our collective purpose. This means that a lot more people are being tapped, or switched on, to begin expanding our individual consciousness at a much faster rate. That’s because the world is ready for more leaders that guide with experience, compassion, kindness, generosity, and with a focus on growth and connection, rather than money and power. This results in people becoming more and more curious about concepts that they may not have been open to previously.

When we have more and more folks focused on a kindred thought process, it becomes the collective energy of the whole. That’s what evolving is. Before you snort and laugh at this, all you have to do is look at history. If you think handing you a crystal to help you manifest your dreams sounds weird now, imagine if you tried to give a caveman a pill with penicillin in it and had to convince him that it would cure sickness. Or what about if you had to tell any person from before the mid-1800s that washing hands could stop disease? Maybe you would’ve liked a crack at trying to convince Napoleon that sitting in gratitude, practicing forgiveness for his enemies, and promoting peace would lead him to such joy as he’d never known (Nelson Mandela anyone?) 

We evolve. This is what we do. 

So, if you find you’re becoming curious about all kinds of things you never were before, you’re not alone, and even better, you’re not crazy. You’re simply answering the call. Gather yourself a gaggle of other folks that are doing the same and have a ball.

Take your time, dig in, and feed your curiosity. Don’t worry about the naysayers; they’ll catch up at some point. Or not. But who cares? You’ll be too busy living a life filled with kindness, joy, and gratitude to notice anyway.


I Don’t Own Anything of Any Value


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