It’s Not Just a Photography Session; It’s Your Legacy

I’ve had a lot of questions about my third photography package lately, and I completely understand the curiosity. It sounds so luxurious and fascinating. 

That’s because it’s an adventure.

I build photoshoots for women. I’ve been doing it since the very beginning of my career, and although I marketed the hell out of my photography, I never specifically marketed this kind of session. Honestly, I never thought to. For the most part, my photography has been simple and minimalistic, but every once in a while, a woman would tell me her journey of transformation, and it was like a movie reel in my mind as she spoke. Vivid visualizations would come to life, showing me who she was at each milestone in her journey. Before I knew it, the photoshoot would take on a life of its own. I’d pour my creativity into the backgrounds, outfits, hair and makeup looks, and soon enough, a visual story would pour out. 

To bring a woman’s tender, intimate, and vulnerable story to life through photography and visually show her all that she has courageously crawled, climbed, and clawed her way through is more satisfying than you can ever imagine. 

Shrouded in darkness. Unseen. Unheard. Suffering alone and in misery.


As she begins to go within and search for her true self, a softness grows, and life begins to spring forth in color. Underneath the darkness, she is still full of life. She may still be bound, but as she leans into the light, she is reminded that her strength and resilience will carry her through.


She is reborn into the truest version of herself, vibrantly one with Mother Earth. Lush. Abundant. Overflowing with life, compassion, and, most of all, a love for herself she never knew could exist.


This is what I call the Infinite Woman. A beautifully complex, dynamic, intense, brilliant, powerful alchemy and synergy that brings the Divine Feminine to life.

You are the Infinite Woman. I am your visual storyteller. 


Share your journey with me and together we’ll transform it into your legacy.


Celebrate the Women in Your Life


Wellness Workshop Announced!